International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) did two favoritisms in handling the drug test positive case with Italian Male Tennis player Sinner (well-suited name for the person of interest):

1. ITIA kept everything secret until recently when everything is declared to be cleared. (was it ?)

2. ITIA handled this so quickly (almost immediately suspended the suspension while the suspension would last for at least 9 months for anyone else so far)


This clearly is not a standard that has been in effect. Hence ITIA lost its cause 7 months ago when ITIA accepted Sinner's appeal and immediately released him to compete. ITIA needs to be disbanded and all related people shall not be employed anything close to Tennis ever, period.


It does NOT matter if that drug is legal in Italy. If that person wants to compete outside of Italy, (s)he has to comply. How the substance got into his or her body does not matter either. However, if I were ITIA, I would have:

a. tested the therapist

b. tested the other players who got the massage from the same therapist

c. get the proof of purchase for the drug and its physical sample


as a proof that the investigation was done thoroughly and the level of the drug found in the therapist is substantially higher than the one found in Mr (or Mrs) Sinner while the other players got a similar level of the same drug found and subsequently disqualified. If any of these are missing, ITIA deserves to be removed from the earth.


You might think, "reconsider everything as Mr (or Mrs) Sinner would put so much effort to get that much performance). I'd say "everyone else did the same or more effort to get to where each one of them is. Applying a different standard to one player defames everyone else as well as Mr (or Mrs) Sinner alike."


Furthermore, the country/the team that are found guilty for doping regardless of the process/intent twice shall be disqualified from EVERY international sports including every possible sports including chess and e-sports, for sure, forever. They do not have the shared spirit for "sports". That is the only way to keep drug away from any sports.