그나저나 저 현행범이 북한에게 미사일이라도 쏘거나 전면전 명령하면 어떻게 되는겨 ? 전시작전권이 없는 넘이니 명령을 수행하면 안돼제 ? 그 정도 지능은 지휘관들에게 있을까 싶지만, 그래도 출동한 1공수랑 707보면 장군급에 대해서는 전혀 신뢰가 생기지 않네. 그 상황에서도 유혈사태를 막은 지휘자 (지휘관과 지휘자는 다르다)랑 용사들 보면 대견하기도 하고. 유튜브 보면 시민들이랑 군인들이 몸싸움 중에서도 서로 보호해 주는게 보기 좋두만. 물론 다음번 계엄시도때는 이번에 보낸 부대는 제외하거나, 아니면 미친 놈(강력범죄로 수형중인 자)들을 군복으로 환복시켜서 보내겠지 ? 어차피 헌법이고 법률이고 모조리 무시하기로 작정한 놈이니까 무슨 짓을 못해.
Dear United States; You saw the current status of ROK (Republic of Korea, aka South Korea). The government is run by lunatics that are willing to violate any constitution or laws to keep them on power. They won't mind killing any civilians (domestic or foreign) if doing so is remotely helpful in keeping them on power or making them any dime. (You've seen just that at Kwangju in 1980 and the same party is in power now) The current regime failed the recent attempt to oppress the people using military power. However, they can retry that at any time with or without any excuse. If that isn't feasible, they can readily open fire to the North Korea that might not have any immediate intent to start a war nor a combat with South Korea as North has its own set of problems with higher priorities.
United States needs to be vigil not just to protect your own people and forces in Korea but also to protect the interest of US companies that work with Korea, such as any companies that use Korean chips and batteries, for example. The situation in Korea is precarious at best until the regime is removed entirely.
PS this message is not just to Joe but also to Donald too as I am afraid this situation won't get any better by the time Donald comes to power. |