A shocking news: a professor of Harvard University published a paper justifying a horrible Japanese war-time crime. As soon as you look into what is happening a bit more, you understand it better: that professor's title is Mitsubishi professor of Japanese legal studies. In an easier English, the puppet is funded by Mitsubishi, a notorous war-supporting company in Japan.


Imperial Japan commited numerous horrible war crimes. Invasion of Pearl Harbor is just a small piece of it. Japan has occuiped many Asian countries for a long while and extorted the people there to the extremes. An unappropriate euphony of "Japanese comfort women" is a lesser known horrible crime, but not the worst one. Imperial Japan kidnapped or tricked many young women (more of children than women) to their Army's Sexual Slavery. There are not many witnesses alive now as most of them were killed by the very Japanese Army to remove any proof of such war crimes. Japan has never apologized yet.


The puppet, employed by Harvard University, published a "paper" claiming that the sexual slavery isn't a war crime but a business based on a contract and as its puppet master, the puppet doesn't apologize.


Now the ball is in the court of Harvard University. If you don't act on this, denounce the puppet, kick the puppet out of the University, eliminate any possible residue of the puppet, you, the Harvard University proves that you also endorse Imperial Japan's war crimes. This proves that you also endorse Nazi's crimes too as both Imperial Japan and Nazi commited similar extreme crimes beyond description in many aspects at the same time.


Some might ask Imperial Japan died in 1945. But Japanese government including most of their recent prime ministers honor the war criminals and Japan educates their young ones how patriotic their war criminals and Japan is a war victim during the 2nd world war without telling them how horrible Japanese were then. In other words, Imperial Japan is well alive in today's Japan and the war crime is still honored and even celebrated.


Some might say we don't care whatever happened in Asia long ago. If we don't learn from the past, the past will bite us back. If we let those war crimes unpunished, somewhere in the world, the crimes will repeat and someday those crimes will strike us back. That is why Frenches punished Collaborators. That is why Germans are punishing Nazi collaborators even now. Imperial Japan wasn't punished at all. There were few war criminals punished. But many of the real criminals weren't.


United States might want to look elsewhere because what US did against American Indians, Mexicans, and the slaves (and women, and minorities, and.. ). If you believe that the Black Lives Matter, you need to look straight into those past crimes and correct them too. If we never learn from the past, the past will bite us back pretty soon. Just in case you don't believe that the Black Lives Matter, YOU ARE THE WAR CRIMINAL.