Some experts claim that releasing radioactive water is safe. I'd say if doing so is so safe, you guys can demonstrate it by drinking the radioactive water by yourselves and your family members. Some actually did and most of them died of radiation related complications soon after.


Japan kept everything related to the Fukushima incident for > 10 years. Is there any reason why we have to trust any numbers or any claims that Japan claims ? If every expert on earth agrees that releasing the water to ocean is safe, we still need to be extra careful in how the water is going to be released. For example, Japan announced that all the water will be released within 1 year. 1 year. the water accumulated for 10 years will be released within 1 year. The highly contaminated water is released to the ocean within a very short time in a very high concentration. Some could think that it will take years for the water to reach any other shore and pollute and by then all the radioactive material would have decayed enough to be safe. WRONG.


The radioactive water can evaporate and arrive at Californian sea shore within a week or two with enough concentration. The radioactive water can reach Hawaii, Guam, Australia, and Saipan in a lot shorter time. I know not many people drinks desalinated water in those places. However, the rain also falls onto the earth too. Radioactive rain will become concentrated into the agricultural products such as rice, almond, milk, and beef as more and more radioactive material gets accumulated as the time goes. In other words, Californian and Canadian agricultral products will be contaminated and harm the people in the next 200 years while Cessium decays.


FYI, if we trust Japan Government's officially released data, the water contains 14000 times higher level of Strontium isotope which is lethal, to name one. This water is "treated" already to contain less radioactive content. This will be diluted when the water is released into the ocean. However, the isotope atoms don't change other than their own radioactive decay cycle, which takes a long long time. If one of the isotope atom appears onto my dinner plate, it can cause cancer in my body. Some Japanese government officials claim that the water is so safe that nothing will happen even if you drink it. They could join the experts in drinking all the radioactive water, helping the environment without causing any harm to their bodies. 


The 200 years would actually be required to be longer than 2000 years. we still have no credible statistics on how much amount of radioactive water will be released or how much radioactive material will be produced until Fukushima reactors are finally closed off. Furthermore, Japan did not control any radioactive underground water at all since the Fukushima incident. In other words, Japan has been releasing the radioactive water to the ocean all the time since the Fukushima incident by as much as 500 metric tons a day and Japan never mentioned that. It is a general understanding that Fukushima reactors cannot be sealed off because the damage progressed too much as the initial effort was to keep the reactors alive. In other words, Fukushima reactors will generate radioactive wastes until all of the contained nuclear fuel rods are consumed. Until then, the reactors have to be cooled down using either the underground water or the sea water. In other words, Fukushima reactors will generate unlimited radioactive water and release all of it into the ocean. Many hundred years later, when the Fukushima reactors cease to generate the nuclear wastes, it would take a few thousand years more for the waste to decay into something that is not as dangerous.


This is NOT just a problem with the countries who has sea shores. This is the problem with ALL the living things on this EARTH. If anyone supports Japan's decision on releasing the deadly water to the ocean, we need to stop him (or her). Japan shall not release the radioactive water to anywhere. Japan shall stop releasing the radioactive water to leak out any more. Japan shall seal off the reactors as soon as technically possible. Japan refused the other countries' offer in helping them seal off the reactors in the early stages of the incident in the hope to "repair" the reactors. Japan did not do anything material since then other than "utilizing" uninformed foreign workers to "clean" the area. The radioactive water could be frozen or solidified using, e.g. plaster or concrete. Once solidified, the solids could get surface treatments (e.g. waterproofing) and be stored for a long long while.


Japan shall stop distributing the contaminated soil and water to all across Japan and abroad. At this minute, Japan continues moving the contaminated soil and water all around to claim that the cancer occurrence within Fukushima area is comparable with that of the rest of Japan. Japan is dying. I can tolerate the fact that Japan is dying although I love a lot of Japanese culture. However, I cannot tolerate the fact that Japanese government is trying to kill everything everyone on earth.