Comrades of Russia, you came a long way to Ukraine. Did you come as the Red Army to follow the spirit of the Bolsheviks ? Or did you come as a dog of the Tsar that got removed through the February Revolution and the Red October ?
Let me tell you the truth against whatsoever you were told. You are in Ukraine to serve Vladimir Putin (the modern Tsar) and to kill the comrades of Ukraine.
If you came as the Red Army to Ukraine, you can behave as one. You can liberate Ukraine by defecting yourself to Ukraine. There is no enermy of the people in Ukraine that the Red Army needs to fight against. There is just the insatiable greed of Vladimir.
Stop killing the comrades. Stop bombing the hospitals. Show that you are in Ukraine as the Red Army not as a dog of the Tsar. A lot of them speak Russian simply because they are Russians living in Ukraine, or because their family members and close friends are Russians. You are killing your comrades for the Tsar.
Ukraine has never been any threat to Russia. Russia has been. |